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4-Channel Fluorescence Light Source
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Product Code: ATG2400
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ATG2400 is a multi-wavelength fluorescence light source system with the ability to independently control four light paths. Each light path can be opened and closed independently, and the intensity is adjustable to meet the user's needs for free switching of different wavelength light sources in experiments.

ATG2400 uses high-efficiency LED as the light source. Compared with traditional light sources, it has lower energy consumption and high luminous efficiency, which meets the requirements of energy saving and environmental protection. The light source life is up to 80,000 hours, which reduces the frequency of light source replacement and maintenance costs, saving time and money for users.

ATG2400 adopts self-designed high-reliability constant current drive current and optical path design to ensure the stability and reliability of the light source; the product design is compact and easy to integrate into various experimental equipment and systems, such as fluorescence microscopes, fluorescence analyzers, etc.

ATG2400 is also widely used in analytical chemistry, biological sciences, biopharmaceuticals, medical testing, environmental monitoring and scientific research, etc., to meet various experimental and application needs. Whether in fluorescence spectral analysis, molecular recognition, or cell imaging, fluorescence labeling, etc., it can provide a stable and reliable fluorescence light source.

Categories: Accessories, Light Sources
Tags: ATG
Light Source
Working Temperature -10 ℃ - 40 ℃
Optical Output Free optical path
Working Humidity 5%-95%(No condensation)
LED Power 3W
Wavelength Range 365nm,460nm,550nm,625nm
Working Current 1±0.2A
Categories: Accessories, Light Sources
Tags: ATG

  • Independent control
  • High flexibility
  • Energy saving and environmental protection 
  • Easy to integrate to lab equipment
  • Multiple wavelength options: 365, 460, 550, 625nm four wavelengths optinal

Categories: Accessories, Light Sources
Tags: ATG

        • Chemistry: fluorescence spectroscopy, molecular recognition;
        • Biological science: cell imaging, fluorescent labeling;
        • Biopharmaceuticals:Toxxicology,screening;
        • Medical testing: tumor labeling, cell tracking;
        • Environmental monitoring: water quality, soil, air quality, etc;
        • Scientific research: fluorescence microscope, fluorescence analyzer.

        Categories: Accessories, Light Sources
        Tags: ATG

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