Electricity, Electronics, and Optics
- Conduct high-level absorbance measurements for polarization films.
- Perform absolute reflectance measurements for anti-reflective films.
- Measure the transmittance of functional films.
- Evaluate the transmittance of solar cell cover glass.
- Conduct absolute reflectance measurements for highly reflective mirrors.
- Measure diffuse reflection spectra of semiconductor material and calculate their band gaps using the Tauc method.
Chemicals, Films, and Materials
- Perform transmittance and reflectance measurements for various films.
- Measure the thickness of thin films.
- Conduct transmittance, reflectance, and color measurements of plastics.
- Measure interference waveforms to calculate the thickness of cling films.
Medicines, Cosmetics, and Life Sciences
- Conduct raw material confirmation tests.
- Measure enzyme reactions.
- Quantify proteins and nucleic acids.
- Measure cosmetic colors and ultraviolet screening.
- Evaluate the optical properties of nanoparticles.
- Measure the thermal stability (Tm) of oligonucleotide therapeutics.
- Measure absorption spectra to calculate concentrations of dsDNA and BSA.
Environment and Water Quality Monitoring
- Quantify hexavalent chromium.
- Measure total phosphorus and total nitrogen in river water, lakes, and marshes.
- Conduct turbidity measurements.
- Quantify iron, copper, arsenic, ammonia, and other substances in water.
Construction Building Materials
- Measure transmittance of window glass and window glass films.
- Measure reflectance for paints and building materials.
- Measure transmittance, reflectance, and ultraviolet screening of textiles.
- Conduct textile color measurements.
- Evaluate the total transmittance spectrum of cellulose nanofibers (CNF).
- Measure the total transmittance spectrum of cellulose nanofiber (CNF) to calculate the UV protection factor of ultraviolet protective clothing.
- Measure absorption spectra to quantify vitamins such as vitamin B2, food additives, and minerals.
- Measure phenols leached from containers and packaging agents.