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Food Safety Raman Detector
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Product Code: ATR3000FD
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ATR3000FD uses SERS Raman Spectrometer technology, professional fast identification, in-field detect food pesticide residues, veterinary drugs residues, non-edible chemical substance, abuse of food additives etc.

Raman Spectrometer System Parameters
Power Voltage 0-550mW
Operating temperature 5~40℃
Operating Humidity <90%
Dimension 42×33×18cm
Weight 8kg
Battery >10000h
Raman Spectrometer Optical Parameters
Spectral Range 200~3500 cm-1
Raman spectrometer Detector
Detector Model 2048-element linear CCD array and low stray light design.
Pixel Size 2560×1440
  • As many as 140 models detected, including drugs, dietary supplement, cosmetics, chemicals;
  • Detect limits reach up to ppb level;
  • Accurate auto-identification algorithm,no manual readout required;
  • High performance, high stable SERS enhanced reagent, life span over 1 year;
  • Sample state:Solid, powder, thin film, liquid; 
  • Touch screen:12inch;
  • Stable Windows 10 operation system;
  • USB 2.0, Bluetooth, WIFI, 4G modules(optional);
  • Touch screen and keyboard input;
  • Friendly interface;
  • Battery life> 5hrs;
  • IP67;

Non-edible chemicals: Sudan red, melamine, rhodamine B, alkaline yellow, hanging white block, urotropine, sodium sulfide, thiocyanate, sulfur dioxide, nitrite, borax, Bengal rose red, sodium fluorescein, fluorescent pink, Li Spring Red S, Patent Blue, etc.

Abuse of food additives: Carmine, erythrosine, lemon yellow, amaranth red, sunset yellow, bright blue, temptation red, saccharin sodium, etc.
Pesticide residues: Malathion, phorate, methamidophos, fenthion, chlorpyrifos, dicofol, etc
Veterinary drugs residue: Clenbuterol hydrochloride, ractopamine, malachite green, sodium pentachlorophenol, chlorpromazine, xylazine, etc
Environmental Hormone: Bisphenol A, etc.
Plant Hormone: 6-benzylaminopurine, 6-glycosaminopurine, etc.
Lose Weight drugs: Sibutramine, phenolphthalein, ephedrine hydrochloride, fenfluramine
Reduce blood glucose drugs: Rosiglitazone maleate, phenformin hydrochloride, metformin hydrochlorideL; Pioglitazone hydrochloride, Glipizide, Glipizide, Reglitazone
Anti-fatigue, improve immunity: Sildenafil
Reduce blood pressure drugs: Nifedipine, prazosin hydrochloride, atenolol, clonidine hydrochloride, captopril, reserpine
Calm nerve: Clonazepam, clozazep, diazepam, alprazolam, oxazepam, melatonin (can be added)

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