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VIS-NIR Hyperspectral lmager
Product Code: ATH9010Z
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The ATH9010Z series hyperspectral drone, launched by Optosky, is the third generation of UAV-based multispectral imaging instruments with a wide wavelength range. It comprises 2-3 compact, lightweight hyperspectral imaging devices of different wavelength bands, integrated with high-performance wavelength fusion algorithms to achieve wide-band hyperspectral imaging. The system consists of a hexacopter with high stability, a high-stability gimbal, hyperspectral imaging devices, a large-capacity storage system, a wireless image system, a GPS navigation system, a ground receiving workstation, and a ground control system.
The ATH9010Z-4-17 and ATH9010Z-4-25 models use Optosky's self-developed hyperspectral imaging devices and optical modules, providing clear imaging with low noise. The ATH9010Z series also includes high-performance hyperspectral data acquisition and processing software.
The ATH9010Z-4-17 and ATH9010Z-4-25 hyperspectral drones can be used for real-time measurement of the spectral information of plants, water bodies, soil, and other ground objects, obtaining spectral images. By analyzing these spectral images, relationships with the physicochemical properties of plants can be established, which is useful for plant classification, plant growth status, and other research areas. The entire system is compact in design, with the main imaging spectrometer offering high spectral resolution. It uses an external push-broom imaging method and can form an independent measurement system with a field rotary platform and an indoor linear scanning platform, or be mounted on a UAV for aerial remote sensing operations.The system is particularly useful for UAV-Based Forest Health Monitoring, agriculture drones, food security, and other applications requiring multispectral imaging.


  • Wavelength range: 380~1700nm or 380~2500nm
  • Wide wavelength range, high spectral resolution
  • Transmission grating, push-broom type
  • Low-temperature cooled camera
  • Flight altitude: 50~1000 meters, recommended 100 meters
  • Onboard I7 computer, supports up to 2TB storage, can store up to 100 hours of imaging data
  • Large multi-rotor UAV with a 1.5m wingspan, high payload, highly expandable
  • Ultra-long flight time: about 45 minutes, covering a large area during cruise



Hyperspectral Imager



Data Interface

USB 3.0

USB 3.0

Imaging Method

Push-broom imaging

Push-broom imaging

Spectral Range



Best Spectral Resolution

Visible spectrum: <1.5nm

Visible spectrum: <1.5nm

Near-infrared spectrum: <4.5nm

Near-infrared spectrum 1: <4.5nm


Near-infrared spectrum 2: <9.7nm

Number of Bands (Before Binning)

Visible spectrum: 1920 (spectral) × 1200 (spatial)

Visible spectrum: 1920 (spectral) × 1200 (spatial)

Near-infrared spectrum: 640 × 512

Near-infrared 1: 640 × 512


Near-infrared 2: 320 × 256

Number of Bands (After Binning)

Visible spectrum: 300 (spatial) × 480 (spectral)

Visible spectrum: 300 (spatial) × 480 (spectral)

Near-infrared spectrum: 640 × 512

Near-infrared 1: 640 × 512


Near-infrared 2: 320 × 256

Maximum Frame Rate

270 Hz

80 Hz

Sensor Type


CCD, InGaAs, InGaAs II

Data Bit Depth

12-bit, 14-bit

12-bit, 14-bit

Acquisition Method

Software Binning or Hardware Binning (software selectable)

Software Binning or Hardware Binning (software selectable)

Onboard Computer

Intel I7 CPU, 16GB RAM

Intel I7 CPU, 16GB RAM

Onboard Storage

512 GB SSD, up to 2TB

512 GB SSD, up to 2TB

Visible Light Camera

5 megapixels

5 megapixels

Power Supply

12V, 3A

12V, 5A




Operating Temperature Range



Storage Temperature Range

-20 ~ 65°C

-20 ~ 65°C

Operating Humidity Range

≤85% RH

≤85% RH




Basic Functions

Flexible exposure, gain, and speed settings; dynamic display of real-time hyperspectral images and spectra;

Flexible exposure, gain, and speed settings; dynamic display of real-time hyperspectral images and spectra;


supports transmission, reflection, and other measurement modes; adjustable exposure time, speed, and other parameters; includes spectrum library and user-defined libraries; enables image cropping and spectrum recognition

supports transmission, reflection, and other measurement modes; adjustable exposure time, speed, and other parameters; includes spectrum library and user-defined libraries; enables image cropping and spectrum recognition

Software System

Dynamic real-time display of hyperspectral images for precise focusing, avoiding manual visualization errors

Dynamic real-time display of hyperspectral images for precise focusing, avoiding manual visualization errors

Data acquisition software with real-time display of hyperspectral images and spectra; supports various measurement modes and parameters; includes spectrum library and user-defined libraries

Data acquisition software with real-time display of hyperspectral images and spectra; supports various measurement modes and parameters; includes spectrum library and user-defined libraries

  • Geological and mineral resource exploration, soil monitoring
  • Precision agriculture, crop growth, and yield assessment
  • Forest pest monitoring and fire monitoring
  • Coastline and marine environment monitoring
  • Grassland productivity and monitoring, ecological environment protection, and mine monitoring
  • Remote sensing education and research, meteorological research, disaster prevention
  • Lake and watershed environment monitoring, water quality testing
  • Quality inspection of agricultural and livestock products
  • Military, defense, and homeland security

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