UAV Multispectral lidar Machine
The ATHL9606 UAV multispectral LiDAR integrated system, introduced as Optosky Technologies' latest third-generation UAV multispectral imager, incorporates cutting-edge LiDAR technology. This advanced system features a series of compact, lightweight UAV-mounted micro multispectral imagers, including a hexacopter known for its stability and equipped with a stable gimbal. It integrates a hyperspectral imager, LiDAR module, large-capacity storage system, GPS navigation, ground receiving workstation, and ground control system.Expanding its capabilities in multispectral imaging, the ATHL9606 utilizes a line-scanning LiDAR to capture precise surface elevation data, enabling highly accurate orthorectification of images and providing detailed stereoscopic information about objects. Integrated spectral data analysis opens new avenues for research exploration.
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UAV Multispectral lidar Machine
Product Code: ATHL9606