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Moisture Content Analyzer
Product Code: LC300
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The LC300, developed and designed by Optosky, is a specialized instrument for moisture content monitoring in forest and grassland fuels. This device integrates the measurement of fuel type, surrounding snow cover, and other critical parameters, making it an essential tool in environmental monitoring.

Building on years of technical expertise, Optosky has designed the LC300 specifically for forestry management and grassland management applications. This comprehensive fuel moisture measurement instrument is ideal for use in forests, grasslands, and municipal parks. The LC300 is easy to install, ensuring safe and environmentally friendly operations.

The LC300 is widely applicable for rapid moisture content measurement in forest fire prevention and grassland fire safety. By utilizing IoT and remote sensing technology, it guarantees precision and real-time data analysis, contributing significantly to  wildfire risk assessment.


  • Easy Installation: Compact and lightweight, making it convenient to install in the field.
  • Powerful Functionality: Equipped with modules such as an infrared spectral detector, performs comprehensive analysis of forest moisture content, fuel type, surrounding snow cover, and grass growth.
  • High Accuracy: The measurement error for moisture content in forest litter and grassland is less than 5%.
  • Safety and Environmental Friendliness: The instrument is powered by solar energy, ensuring safe operation without producing any pollutants harmful to forest and grassland environments.
  • IoT Technology: Utilizing IoT and other information technologies, transmits measurement results to monitoring stations, providing early warning for forest fire prevention and grassland fire safety.

Tags: LC

Measurement Parameters

Moisture content, fuel type, surrounding snow cover, grass growth, etc.

Wavelength Range

900 nm - 1700 nm

Measurement Accuracy

< 5%

Data Transmission


Instrument Dimensions

Detection head Ø200 mm, pole height: 600 mm


Approximately 3 kg

Operating Temperature

-20 – 50 °C

Optional Accessories

Optional microwave module and white light module

Tags: LC

  • Forest fire prevention
  • Forest leaf litter moisture content monitoring
  • Grassland fire safety
  • Grassland moisture content monitoring
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Municipal projects
  • Vegetation leaf litter moisture content research
  • Field moisture content monitoring

Tags: LC

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