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Handheld Mineral Analyzer
Product Code: ATX3100O
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ATX3100O is a portable mineral analyzer that is sturdy and durable and can complete detection with extremely high analytical requirements in harsh environments.
ATX3100O introduces digital multi-channel technology, and its small and portable size can fully play its role in prospecting, prospecting, multi-element detection and analysis of various geological mineral samples, and slag refining analysis, making the prospecting work easier.
The ATX3100O handheld ore analyzer can be used to conduct on-site analysis of various types of ores. The mature X-ray tube analysis system that has been tested on-site has no radioactive isotopes and can conduct rapid and comprehensive research on ore types during on-site analysis. It has low sample requirements, but the test results are accurate and can accurately analyze high-concentration samples, avoiding the need for Confirmatory laboratory testing.


  • Detection elements: The standard configuration can detect more than 30 elements, and detection elements can be added according to customer needs
  • Professionalism: Ore-specific analysis software, using intelligent one-click testing
  • The high-definition camera can provide a more intuitive observation of the detected mineral veins or mineral points, accurately manage and control the mining process, and detect the ore grade at any time.
  • Accurate and rapid analysis of raw ore, concentrate and tailings during the mineral processing process

Tags: ATX



    Analysis Range

    Sulfur (S) ~ Uranium (U)

    Detection Object


    Standard Modes

    Ore mode; optional modes: Alloy analysis mode, Soil analysis mode

    Excitation Source

    High-power micro flat-panel X-ray tube, W target, 4W high-power X-ray tube, tube voltage 50KV, current up to 100uA; higher X-ray count rate, ultra-low electronic noise design, no external standard sample needed before each test, automatic energy calibration check


    High-performance silicon drift detector (SDD)

    Self-Diagnosis Function

    The instrument can automatically diagnose hardware, software, network, battery, etc., and generate logs for quick troubleshooting

    Operating System

    Fundamental parameter method, supports empirical coefficient correction, touch screen or trigger pull to start the test, no need to hold the trigger during testing. Can also hold the trigger to test the sample based on customer requirements


    Equipped with 8 filters that automatically switch according to the test elements


    More than two-thirds of the body is made of aluminum alloy shell, with a groove cooling device on the top of the instrument, ensuring effective cooling, extending machine life, and stabilizing X-ray analyzer operation, thus reducing failure rates

    Operating System

    Windows CE 6.0 industrial-grade instrument dedicated operating system, safe and reliable

    Battery Capacity

    Original 7.2V high-capacity rechargeable lithium battery, with charge status viewable at the bottom without removing the battery; standard configuration includes 1 lithium battery


    Built-in 5-megapixel high-definition camera for photographing the measured object for easy management







    Relative Humidity



    Multiple safety protections, no radiation without testing, radiation levels during operation far below national safety standards, automatic X-ray tube shutdown without sample

    Detected Elements

    Rare earth elements, 38 standard elements: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Y, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sr, Rb, Zr, Nb, Mo, Te, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba, Ta, W, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, U. Additional elements can be added based on user requirements

    Main Configuration

    1. Ore analyzer host 1 set

    2. Standard sample 1 piece

    3. Original rechargeable lithium battery 2 pieces

    4. Charger and power cord

    5. USB drive (32G) 1 piece

    6. Enhanced polypropylene film 5 pieces

    7. Standard moisture-proof and shock-proof carrying case 1 piece


    Tags: ATX

    Used for rapid analysis and determination of non-ferrous metal elements in mining, geology, soil environment, sediment, and sediments

    Tags: ATX

    Tags: ATX

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