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X-ray Fluorescence
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Product Code: ATX3600R
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ATX3600R can perform non-destructive, accurate and rapid detection of toxic and harmful elements in wood, food heavy metals and other objects for various plastics, electronic components, electrical appliances, metals and solutions. Able to quickly detect and analyze 25 elements, including six RoHS elements.

It has an exclusive intelligent system to effectively prevent human error. Configure special analysis software for mobile windows. Automatic stop function, if there is no object to be measured in front of the window, the instrument will automatically stop testing after 2 seconds. The instrument adopts FP Method. There is no need to know the type of test sample before testing, and there is no need to select a test curve. The test results can be converted to Excel output, and can also be transferred to a personal computer or directly transferred to a laptop using Bluetooth.

The detection accuracy is extremely high. The average statistical function of multiple tests can effectively improve the detection accuracy of the instrument. Intelligent detection of irregularly assembled or very small samples, such as hair (0.06MM) thin wires, can also be immediately tested and identified. The extendable probe can detect hard-to-reach locations such as pipe inner walls, welds, and small components. The instrument is made of aluminum alloy, which has stronger heat dissipation ability, vibration resistance, and automatic anti-radiation safety device.

        • 720×1280 high resolution 5.5 inches
        • Automatically calibrate instruments
        • Configure Microsoft and Windows 10 systems
        • Lightweight and portable
        • Convenient human-computer interaction experience;
        • Equipped with Intel 2133MHz high-performance quad-core processor
        • 256GB solid state drive
        • The detection speed is extremely fast, and the results are displayed in 1 second;
        • Simultaneous qualitative and quantitative analysis of multiple elements
        • Data transmission via mobile phone 4G, shared hotspot, WiFi and mobile APP;
        • Output test reports in customer-defined formats
        • On-site non-destructive testing

            • Mining and geological research
            • mine drawing
            • core detection
            • Mine exploration
            • Tailings treatment
            • Ore trading

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