ATR7010 Online Raman PAT "Raman Analysis System Software" Quantitative Collection
Welcome to our tutorial on operating our analysis software for quantitative analysis collection. Start by opening the software, which features three main interfaces: Collection, Analysis, and Classification. Focus on the Collection interface, designed for quantitative analysis, where we'll begin by collecting the raw spectrum. Data types are categorized as Raw Data, Baseline Data, and Baseline-corrected Data. You can choose from Quick, Accurate, or High-precision collection types, each offering different levels of background data collection. For this demonstration, we select Accurate Collection, set the laser power and collection time (300 milliwatts for 1000 milliseconds), and use acetonitrile as the sample. The interface allows you to click on peak groups, set parameters, and switch the x-axis between pixels and wavenumber. After collecting the data, save it manually or automatically. We save our data to the desktop and open it for review. This process highlights the essential steps for quantitative analysis collection. The ATR7010 in-situ reaction process Raman spectrum analyzer is a probe-based Raman spectrum quantitative analyzer, which can monitor the content and changes of each component in the reaction process system anytime, as well as the crystal form transformation during the crystallization process. This is known as Process Analytical Technology (PAT). In scientific research institutes, chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises, it can be used in the research and development design, process development, and production of chemical reactions. By detecting the Raman spectrum of the components in the reaction system and performing quantitative analysis anytime, it can track the change process of key materials and help users understand the reaction process accurately, determine and optimize key process parameters, improve product quality, and achieve efficient, safe, and stable scale-up production. The ATR7010 is an in-situ Raman spectrometer with breakthrough features newly developed by Optosky in response to market demand. It adopts a cooled high-sensitivity CCD, giving the instrument good environmental adaptability. It features an optimized design of a high-temperature-resistant long rod Raman probe, making it ideal for corporate production and laboratory research. Applications of the ATR7010 include bio catalysis and enzymatic catalysis, polymorph identification, flow chemistry, polymerization reactions, biological process monitoring, hydrogenation reactions, synthesis reactions, chemical synthesis, and crystallization processes.

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