Spectrometers for Public Safety Applications
Public Safety
  How to detect hazardous chemicals, explosives, narcotics, and drugs keeping the public safe? Handheld Raman spectroscopy is an ideal tool for nondestructive, noncontact, fast detection.
  Optosky ATR3000DH portable Drugs & chemicals Raman Analyzer is designed to detect unknown drugs & chemicals ID in a fast & accurate detect. Compact Raman can fast detect materials in few seconds. It fits to various security and crime scene personnel, including law enforcement personnel, hazardous materials technicians, crime scene investigators, and non-contact scan samples in the field.
  Raman spectrum is a fingerprint of material, the unique spectra is an ideal instrument to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis. Accurate, fast and non-destructive detect becomes a new trend.
  These series include two models:
  ATR3000DH: Narcotics, drugs, chemicals, combustible & explosives, drug precursors
  ATR3000DHFD:It includes all functions, and it can also detect food safety and pesticides residues

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